Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch Reviews 2022: While daylight recedes and nighttime approaches, it is usually a cue for a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, this is true only for a few people as an increasing number of people find it difficult to sleep at night.
From a scientific standpoint, sleep naturally occurs in a rhythmic manner; due to what has been called circadian rhythms or the sleep-wake cycle. This cycle is primarily under the regulation of a hormone named melatonin produced in our bodies.
Ideally, melatonin production varies with light intensity. In the daytime when the sun is out, the body produces little or no melatonin. But with the setting of the sun, melatonin production increases and peaks at midnight.
Due to an underlying health condition or because of our busy lifestyles or even as a result of age, melatonin production can be reduced, depriving us of sound or quality sleep.
Dizziness, poor mental and physical growth, and increased susceptibility to diseases are some of the negative results of inadequate sleep.
Interestingly, you can get relief from these effects by an alternative named Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch. While this supplement is not the only one out there – as there are other melatonin supplements that are administered in several ways – Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch has received 5-star ratings and lots of positive reviews from customers.
Does this product truly do what it claims? or are those reviews only rave? This review is research-based and provides unbiased information on Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch, the novel melatonin supplement that has strongly called the attention of many.
Let’s find out.
- What is a Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch? (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch reviews)
- Features of Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch reviews 2022)
- What are the specifications of Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch? (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch reviews 2022)
- What is contained in the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
- What does Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch do?
- How does Melatonin from Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch work? (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch review)
- What is the right way to use Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch? (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch review)
- Who should use the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch? (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch Reviews 2022)
- Who should not use Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
- What are the benefits of using the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
- How does Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch compare with other melatonin supplements?
- What are the pros of Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
- What are the cons of Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
- Where do I purchase Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch? (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch review)
- How much is Sleep Connection Melatonin patch sold?
- Delivery, Shipping and Return policy (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch reviews 2022)
- Frequently ed Questions (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch review)
- Does Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch contain synthetic products?
- Can the patch be used anywhere on the body? ( Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch reviews 2022)
- What category of people should use Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
- What category of people should stay away from Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
- Can I use the supplement although my Doctor prescribes something else for sleep?
- What methods of payment does Sleep Connection company have?
- What is the discount and return policy?
- What are the special benefits one can get from using the product?
- Conclusion (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch review)
What is a Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch? (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch reviews)

A patch is an adhesive piece of material, impregnated with an ingredient, which is worn on the skin; the ingredients being slowly absorbed over a period of time. Several supplements, whether dietary, sleep-inducing, or therapeutic, are administered by way of a patch. This is one alternative option in the presence of other choices including oral, sublingual and nasal routes and so on.
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is a melatonin-containing transdermal patch that slowly delivers melatonin to your body, affording you a sound, quality sleep all night long. It is one of the products of Sleep Connection, a company involved in the production of several other products in addition to the melatonin patch.
As is typical of patches, Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch features an adhesive backing that allows the patch to be applied directly to the body. Hence, you don’t have to worry about the patch falling off during sleep or a change of sleeping position. It firmly sits there.
An interesting thing about the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is that it can be even during daytime to bring about a healthy sleep. Shift-workers and people with delayed sleep phase syndrome will now heave a sigh of relief as they can enjoy adequate sleep even during the day.
With a high absorption rate and fast reaction time’, Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch remains highly efficient in melatonin delivery, prepping the body for a good sleep in quick enough time. Although melatonin supplements administered via other routes such as the sublingual route may have a faster action, one special advantage of using the patch is a continued or sustainable delivery of melatonin for longer duration, hence affording the sleeper enough rest.
As stated by the manufacturers in the official website, Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch contains superb ingredients that are involved in the delivery that are involved in the delivery of melatonin into the bloodstream. That these products are organic-based and contain no synthetic material, they provide an eco-friendly environment too.
Depression, reduced immune system function and impaired mental growth are some of the effects of inadequate sleep. More serious potential problems associated with chronic sleep deprivation are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure or stroke.
By its role of melatonin delivery and ultimately, the induction of sleep, the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch holds promise in the world of therapeutics.
A 100% money-back guarantee follows the product as the manufacturer offers 50% discount and free shipping services.
Features of Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch reviews 2022)
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is an innovative patch that serves its role well as a result of the interesting features including:
- Extended release period
Because Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is applied to the skin, melatonin’s delivery rate to the bloodstream is moderate. This is because it has to cross the skin barrier before diffusing into the dermal tissues of the skin to be carried by the blood and to the nervous tissues where it brings about its actions.
A special advantage this offers to the user is a prolonged supply of the hormone and an action long enough to afford us adequate sleep. It is advised to have the patch a few minutes before sleep time to enable the blood concentration of the hormone to build up to potent levels.
- Intermediate bioavailability
The bioavailability of melatonin refers to how much active melatonin makes it into the bloodstream. It is affected by dosage as well as by method of administration. Unlike oral administration of melatonin which brings about a low bioavailability as the hormone as it may be metabolized in the digestive system, the patch method delivery produced a more efficient administration. It is of intermediate bioavailability as sublingual and nasal routes usually have high bioavailability.
- Eliminates premature awakenings
Because of the prolonged action of melatonin delivered in the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch, the participants spend time in deeper stages of sleep. This is especially important to shift workers who hardly make it to stage 2 of sleep of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
With Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch, you need not worry about premature awakenings anymore.
- Natural ingredients
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch contains sleep-promoting ingredients, making these patches supports an ecologically-friendly environment.
- Multiple patches in one set
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch comes in sets of multiple patches. Typically, a single set has 30 Melatonin patches. This ensures that after purchase the product can be used for a long time before buying again. Thoughtful of the manufacturer.
What are the specifications of Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch? (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch reviews 2022)
- High melatonin absorption rate
- Fast reaction time
- 100% money-back guarantee
- 50% off
- Free shipping services
- 30 patches per set
What is contained in the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
To perform its function of melatonin delivery, the Patch has to fit firmly to the body part it is applied to and deliver the hormone effortlessly. Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch contains materials that make it perfect for melatonin delivery.
The constituents of the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch include:
- Melatonin:
Melatonin is a hormone made in the body. It regulates night and day cycles or sleep-wake cycles. Once the patch is in place, melatonin is delivered to the dermal tissues and diffuse into the blood where it is carried to appropriate sites for action.
Melatonin relieves insomnia and improving sleep in different conditions, such as jet lag. It is also used for depression, chronic pain, dementia, and many other conditions,
- Other sleep-promoting ingredients
Melatonin patches can contain other sleep-promoting ingredients in addition to melatonin. These products are natural, organic and vegan-friendly and so they are safe to use and appeal to ecologists.
- Adhesive materials
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch contains adhesive backing that allows the patch to be applied directly to the skin. These materials facilitate the absorption of these sleep aids into the blood.
What does Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch do?
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is a topical product that is applied to the skin of various parts of the body including the shoulders and forearm. When applied, the patch sits firmly owing to its content of adhesive materials.
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch then slowly releases melatonin and other sleep-promoting ingredients into the bloodstream. With its high absorption rate, these sleep aid substances are absorbed moderately rapidly into the bloodstream of the user.
Though slowly delivered, Melatonin reaction is quick so that the effects are noticed earlier than may be expected.
By slowly delivering melatonin into the body, Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch maintains a prolonged delivery time which is important for the user to have enough sleep without being awoken prematurely.
How does Melatonin from Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch work? (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch review)
Melatonin is a hormone that your brain produces in response to darkness. It helps with the timing of your circadian rhythms (24-hour internal clock) and with sleep. Being exposed to light at night can block melatonin production.
As levels of melatonin rise, levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, fall. Respiration slows. Soon, our eyelids begin to droop.
Instead of a lights-out trigger, melatonin acts more like a dimmer switch, turning the day functions off and switching night functions on. So taking a melatonin supplement is sort of like taking a dose of sunset, tricking your body into feeling like it’s nighttime.
Research suggests that melatonin plays other important roles in the body beyond sleep. It is involved in managing immune function, blood pressure and cortisol levels. In addition, it acts as an antioxidant, with some research finding that it can significantly affect many health conditions.
What is the right way to use Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch? (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch review)
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is meant to deliver melatonin in the right amount for any given duration. Several factors can affect the rate of delivery and hence efficiency of the patch.
The ensure maximum patch function, the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch has to be used in the correct way which is:
- Step 1: Choose a body area
Choosing the right body area is critical to the functioning of the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch. This is because one can unconsciously change positions during sleep.
It is recommended to choose a body area that doesn’t heavily get pressed against the mattress. Hence, back and stomach regions are not ideal.
Furthermore, one should choose hair-free regions of the body because hair may interfere with the working of the patch. The favourite body areas to apply Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch are the shoulders, forearm, calf and dorsum(upperside) of foot. These places offer less interference and provide enough surface area.
- Step 2: Wash selected area
To get rid of dirt and microbes that usually stick to the skin, it is recommended that the selected area of the body be washed with soap and water. After washing, it has to be dried before the patch is applied.
- Step 3: Apply Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch
The patch is now ready to be applied to the skin. This is done by removing the patch from its sachet and pressing it lightly against the body area of interest.
Because melatonin is delivered moderately, the patch has to be applied several minutes to an hour before bedtime.
- Step 4: Remove patch after sleep
As long as the patch is in place, it continues to deliver the sleep aids into the body. Because you wouldn’t want to feel drowsy at your workplace or at home after sleep, the Sleep Patch has to be removed from the body where it is applied.
- Step 5: Clean off used area of skin
After removing the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch, it is recommended that the area of the body be cleaned off again with soap and water. This removes any adhesives that remains after Patch removal.
You can also check our: sleep connection wristband review
Who should use the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch? (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch Reviews 2022)

Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is made for many groups of persons who desire a sound and quality sleep especially when it is difficult for them to do so.
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is meant for the following group of persons:
- People who perform shift work
Shift work that involves night shifts may cause people to feel sleepy at work and make it difficult to sleep during the daytime after a shift ends.
To maintain the level of activeness and vibrance needed for work after night shifts, Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch should be used to promote sleep. Night shift workers who use Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch have testified to its efficacy.
They’ve sent testimonials of how vibrant and active they feel after having an adequate sleep, thanks to Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch.
- People who experience jet lag
Jet lag affects people when they travel by air across multiple time zones. With jet lag, you may not feel well overall and you may have disturbed sleep, daytime tiredness, impaired functioning, and digestive problems. Research suggests that melatonin supplements may help with jet lag.
By regulating the sleep-wake cycle, melatonin from the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch affords these people a good sleep.
- Older adults
As one ages, sleep may become a problem. This is because the body’s production of melatonin decreases as one ages.
Therefore, the blood concentration of melatonin is lower than what obtains in youthful age even at night. Melatonin supplementation from the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is therefore vital to the proper sleep-wake cycle of the elderly.
- People with delayed sleep-wake phase Disorder (DSWPD)
People with DSWPD (also colloquially called non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder) have trouble falling asleep at the usual times and waking up in the morning. They typically have difficulty getting to sleep before 2 to 6 a.m. and would prefer to wake up between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Melatonin supplements appear to help with sleep in people with DSWPD, but it’s uncertain whether the benefits outweigh the possible harms.
- Children with sleep problems
Sleep problems in children can have undesirable effects on their behavior, daytime functioning, and quality of life. Children with certain conditions, such as atopic dermatitis, asthma, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), are more prone to sleep problems than other children.
There are no overall guidelines on the best approach to improving sleep in children. However, guidelines for specific conditions recommend behavioral treatments, such as good bedtime habits and parent education, as an initial treatment that may be supplemented with melatonin.
Difficulty to sleep results from many factors: age, work habits, health conditions, etc. Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch has been found to enhance sleep in all these groups of persons.
Who should not use Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
Melatonin is a hormone. And just like every hormone, its concentration in the blood is vital to the functioning of the cells, and, hence, the organism as a whole. For certain age groups and during certain body conditions, the use of melatonin supplements may be advised against or, at least, reduced. This is to prevent side reactions that can occur due to the presence of the supplement.
This applies to the following category of persons:
- Pregnant and Nursing mothers
Pregnant mothers usually have wide variations in blood hormone concentration due to the physiological process of child bearing.
Certain hormones are normally high in this gestation period whereas others are low. An insult to this balance may be detrimental to the mother and/or unborn child.
Similarly, nursing mothers have to monitor their blood hormone concentrations. If you’re pregnant or nursing a child, it’s especially important to see your health care provider before taking any medicine or supplement, including melatonin.
- Children & Adolescents
Melatonin supplements appear to be safe for most children for short-term use, but there aren’t many studies on children and melatonin. Also, there’s little information on the long-term effects of melatonin use in children. Because melatonin is a hormone, it’s possible that melatonin supplements could affect hormonal development, including puberty, menstrual cycles, and overproduction of the hormone prolactin, but these are not known for sure.
Possible melatonin supplement side effects reported in children have usually been mild and have included:
- Drowsiness
- Increased bedwetting or urination in the evening
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Agitation
- Individuals with bleeding disorders
Melatonin supplementation might make bleeding worse in people with bleeding disorders. This is because melatonin may interfere with the activity of proteins called blood clotting factors which are involved in the process of blood clotting and bleeding control.
- Depression patients
Although melatonin puts people to sleep and can ultimately improve the condition of depressed patients, melatonin can also make symptoms of depression worse.
- Hypertensive individuals
Hypertensive individuals have a constantly elevated blood pressure above the normal 120/80 mmHg. Melatonin can raise blood pressure in people who are taking certain medications to control blood pressure.
- Individuals with seizure disorders
Using melatonin might increase the risk of having a seizure.
- Transplant recipients
People who have had a transplant often take medications to suppress the immune system. Melatonin can increase immune function. This might interfere with the effects of some transplant medications.
- Patients already on a specific medication for sleep
Melatonin supplementation is not ideal for patients who have already been put to specific medication by a Physician. The direction of use of melatonin – whether through patches of pills – should not override or supersede medical advice from a qualified physician.
What are the benefits of using the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is an innovative product many users of which find very beneficial.
The benefits of using this product include:
- Gives the user a healthy and younger look
The importance of good sleep cannot be over-emphasized. Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch aids deep, restful sleeps. In the long run, good sleepers tend to look healthy and younger than their age without undergoing any plastic surgery.
- Boosts immunity and makes one strong
Since adequate sleep, which Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch provides, is important for the replacement of dead cells and repair of worn out ones, use of the product boosts immunity which is important for fighting diseases.
- Produces a Feeling of Calmness & Ease
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch contains sleep aids including melatonin. The use of the supplement brings a calming effect and puts us at ease.
- Makes one fall asleep quickly
With a quick reaction time, the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is effective in delivering melatonin so you can fall asleep fast.
- All-Night Long sleep
Because of the slow-release technology behind the Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch, the patch is able to maintain sufficiently high melatonin levels all night long. This is in contrast to most orally taken or intravenously injected supplements which act at a fast rate but have short duration of action.
- Refreshing and Energetic feeling after sleep
The formula of Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch provides deep sleep which is necessary to repair our bodies especially after night shifts. After a deep sleep what follows is a refreshing feeling as we feel energized.
How does Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch compare with other melatonin supplements?
Melatonin supplements – and in fact all supplements in general – are not administered through the patch route alone. Other routes of supplement administration include oral routes (for oral pills and tablets), sublingual route (for sublingual melts), nasal route (for sprays), intravenous routes (for most liquid supplements).
The difference in these routes manifests as the following factors:
- Bioavailability
The bioavailability of melatonin refers to how much active melatonin makes it into the bloodstream. It is low for oral route, intermediate for transdermal patch and high for sublingual route
- Rate of action
The rate of melatonin refers to how fast it acts. It is low for oral route, intermediate for transdermal patch and high for sublingual and intravenous routes.
What are the pros of Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
- Extended release system
- Achieves longer sleep
- Multiple patches per set
- Made from superb sleep-inducing ingredients
- Gives a calm feeling
- Supports healthy immune system
- High absorbability
- Short reaction time
What are the cons of Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
- Can precipitate side effects in non-compatible group of persons like the pregnant and nursing mothers
Where do I purchase Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch? (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch review)
Sleep Connection is sold online only and right now they’re offering a one-time exclusive discount of 50% or more off the retail price and free shipping for our readers.
Payments can be made through PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, etc
How much is Sleep Connection Melatonin patch sold?
According to the official website:
Set of Sleep Connection Melatonin patch (x1) : $24.95
The company offers 50% discount.
Delivery, Shipping and Return policy (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch reviews 2022)
Sleep Connection offers a 100% no-hassle money-back guarantee on the product. Save 50% on a Sleep Connection and Free Shipping.
Take advantage of this Internet-only offer right now with 50% off and FREE shipping. This offer won’t last! If you leave this page, we cannot guarantee you’ll be able to order Sleep Connection at the discounted rate again. You can try Sleep Connection completely risk-free. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, Sleep Connection will refund every single penny… with zero hard feelings.
If you are looking for more information on MCC Management Group or need help with your order, our award winning customer service agents are standing by to assist you!
Phone: +1 855 247 0312
Frequently ed Questions (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch review)
Does Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch contain synthetic products?
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is entirely natural and organic-based
Can the patch be used anywhere on the body? ( Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch reviews 2022)
Best locations for the patch are on the shoulders, forearm, calf and top of foot
What category of people should use Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is recommended for shift-workers, jet lag, older adults, people with DSWPD, older children with sleep problems
What category of people should stay away from Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch?
Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch is discouraged for pregnant and nursing mothers, transplant recipients, hypertensive patients, seizure patients. Patients already on a specific medication for sleep need not take the supplement.
Can I use the supplement although my Doctor prescribes something else for sleep?
Patients already on a specific medication for sleep by a Physician are not encouraged to use the supplement.
What methods of payment does Sleep Connection company have?
Payments can be made through PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, etc
What is the discount and return policy?
A 100% money-back guarantee follows the product as the manufacturer offers 50% discount and free shipping services.
What are the special benefits one can get from using the product?
Melatonin from Sleep Connection Melatonin patch is involved in managing immune function, blood pressure and cortisol levels. In addition, it acts as an antioxidant, with some research finding that it can significantly affect many health conditions.
Conclusion (Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch review)

Several reasons account for why we don’t have enough sleep or sleep at the time we want. Whether because of a health condition or a lifestyle, inadequate sleep is not the best option.
Because the human body is like a machine that operates with energy, the lifespan of that machine is increased with rest. Therefore we must have to rest adequately to ultimately live longer. Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch was produced to serve that purpose.
Since melatonin is the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, introducing this hormone from topical Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch serves as a supplement to endogenously produced melatonin, that is the one produced by our own bodies.
Depression, reduced immune system function and impaired mental growth are some of the effects of inadequate sleep. Thankfully, Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch does well to prevent this by supplying melatonin.
Having in mind the various categories of people that need melatonin supplementation to have adequate sleep, the product, Sleep Connection Melatonin Patch, continues to gain value and popularity.
From research, it is a product that genuinely does what it says and is hence recommended for use.