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ProDentim Review 2022 — Another SCAM or true oral health supplement?

ProDentim Review 2022 —Stop killing beneficial bacteria in your mouth!

Have you been looking for a permanently solution to beeding gums, tooth aches, bad breath, and other oral issues? You may just be a step away without knowing so.

Oral health issues are varied and they affect all ages. Although common in the elderly, any one can have a problems with oral health.

People use chemicals and formulations of all sorts to rid the mouth of these diseases. However, many of these do more harm than good.

One of the ways these chemicals worsen the situation (or even lead to the development of these issues when there was none) is the killing of the mouth microbiome, the beneficial bacteria in the mouth.

Contrary to layman knowledge, not all bacteria within your body are harmful. Some are so essential to life that their absence or destruction brings about deleterious effects to the individual. These bacteria are found in almost every part of the gut including the mouth and, in the mouth, the make up the mouth microbiome or normal flora.

Several oral health issues occur when these bacteria are no more. Worse still, harmful bacteria can replace them, causing havoc!

To restore oral health, these beneficial bacteria must repopulate the mouth; and the means through which that happens is the concern of this review. How? Because the product, named ProDentim, is strongly claiming oral health support through repopulation of the normal mouth flora.

Can ProDentim be trusted? Do the reviews actually say what this product does? If you have questions like this, there’s no more proper place to be than here.

Therefore, right away, we’ll see all there is to know about ProDentim following extensive research and self-testing of the product. Let’s get started.

About ProDentim Oral Probiotis

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ProDentim Review 2022

An oral health support formula with a blend of minerals, probiotics, and plant-derived ingredients and nutrients, the ProDentim claims to improve your oral health in the shortest possible time.

The product comes as soft pills that dissolve right in the mouth to bring about rapid therapeutic effects. 

According to the manufacturer, ProDentim contains 3.5 million probiotic strains which, in synergy with minerals and plant-based ingredients, support the regrowth of the mouth microbiome which was killed off by injurious chemicals.

What is the origin of these harmful chemicals, you may ask? As ironical as it sounds, they’re contained in many mouthwashers and pastes. Therefore, regular use of these products can put one to serious health risks, oral and otherwise.

But how safe is the ProDentim formulation? This oral health formula has been tested in clinical labs and ascertained free from toxic substances. They’re gluten-free, contain no GMO. The ProDentim pills are prepared in an FDA-approved, GMP-certified facility.

The manufacturer says ProDentim produces visible results in 2-3 months. Taking these pills, one pill per day, improves oral health by the end of the second and third months, within which time the mouth microbiome repopulates.

No known side effects of the ProDentim have been recorded. So far, they’re safe for anyone to use. Men and women can use this products. It is for all persons above the age of 18.

By restoring the normal flora of the mouth to optimum population, ProDentim provides the lasting panacea to oral health issues. Healthy white teeth, fresh breath, and improved immune system are some of the health benefits of ProDentim.

ProDentim comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. Returning this product within the time frame comes with a full refund. 

ProDentim Formula Ingredients

As per the official site, ProDentim Formula includes natural ingredients (minerals, probiotics, and plant-based ingredients and nutrients). 

The complete list of ingredients is found in the label of each bottle and in the official website.

The major ingredients include the following.

Lactobacillus Reuteri

This is a probiotic used in treatment of various oral issues. The notable functions of Lactobacillus Reuteri include:

  1. essential for good health in your mouth 
  2. as an anti-inflammatory bacteria, it suppresses inflammation problems, including various types of gum inflammation. 
  3. improves your oral condition by balancing your mouth microbiome.
  4. Balances the functions of your digestive tract
  5. helps control nausea while promoting a healthy mouth

Lactobacillus Paracasei

The Lactobacillus Paracasei is another probiotic that is used to support the health of your gums and allow your sinuses to remain open most of the time. It relaxes your dental sinuses, which is the key reason behind extra dental sensitivity. 

In addition, Lactobacillus Paracasei functions in the following way:

  1. as a vital probiotic strain to fix bad breath issues easily
  2. effective against beeding gums and other dental issues
  3. balances the microbiome inside your mouth so that your bad breath issues get resolved within short spans.
  4. prevents tooth decay too as claimed by some Scientists

Lactis BL-04

Known benefits of the Lactis BL-04 are as follows

  1. Lactis BL-04 affects your immunity positively, supporting the good bacteria in your mouth and sinuses and allowing you to breathe better.
  2. It is an important ProDentim ingredients that helps enhance the condition of your gums and teeth without serious side effects.
  3. B.lactis also supports the functions of your respiratory tract. It is vital for normal functioning of your respiratory system while cleaning the blockages in your respiratory pathway.
  4. It also manages to support your immune system naturally. 


BLIS M-18 helps in

  1. keeping your teeth white, free from pigments and colourations
  2.  strengthening your overall health.
  3. enhancing your oral health naturally eliminating the chance of tooth decay
  1. BLIS K-12

BLIS K-12 cleans the respiratory tract. It also strengthens your immunity, preventing serious infections and diseases from getting to you. 


Inulin is a fiber, like cellulose. 

  1. It is a probiotic historically used to promote gut health.
  2. Inulin is one of the most beneficial natural ingredients for weight loss. The weight reduction ingredient triggers a sense of satiety and stomach fullness so that you don’t overeat. Also, this natural ingredient makes it easier to reduce your hunger and food cravings.
  3. Ingesting inulin also helps repopulate the normal flora of the mouth.

Malic Acid

Malic Acid is found in apples. It is the added to ProDentim to keep your teeth white. Malic Acid also functions in the following way:

  1. helps with dry mouth symptoms
  2. As a potent natural substance to enhance the condition of your skin and hair. 
  3. Helps remove dead cells from your skin so that you retain a younger appearance.

Dicalcium Phosphate

Dicalcium Phosphate’s known functions include prevention of tooth decay. It is also used as a substitute for fluoride in some cases.  


Peppermint is a flavour added to most formulations. It also reduces the levels of inflammation in your mouth, making it harder for cavities to appear. In addition,

  1. Peppermint helps enhance the functions of your digestive system naturally. 
  2. It improves your overall digestion so that you don’t suffer from a digestive disorder.


Spearmint is another flavour added basically to keep you with a fresh breath for several hours. Consuming this natural substance regularly can help to retain oral freshness continuously.

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ProDentim Product Details

  • Product Name — ProDentim
  • Category — Oral health support formula
  • Quantity — 30 soft capsules per bottle
  • Main benefit — Supports oral health and helps with dental issues
  • Safety — Safe; Formulated using high-quality natural ingredients in FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility
  • Dosage — One pill of ProDentim per  day.
  • Side effects — None. There aren’t any side effects 
  • Compatibility — Suitable for people above the age of 18
  • Refund policy — 60-day money-back guarantee

ProDentim Vs the Competition — What stands ProDentim Out?

ProDentim supplements are dissolvable pills that offer oral health support, restoring the oral microbiome. These pills are different from regular oral support supplements. The important features that make ProDentim different include the following.

  • Made from natural ingredients. The ProDentim is a natural formulation containing minerals, 3.5 million probiotic strains and plant-derived ingredients and nutrients)
  • Safe to use — ProDentim has been tested in clinical laboratories and found safe for use. It contains neirher GMO nor gluten. It is free from toxic substances, and is created by using advanced technology in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility in the US.
  • Produces visible results rapidly — The time required for ProDentim to produce visible results averages 2-3 months. This parallels the time for repopulation of the normal flora of the mouth. For this, ProDentim pills have to be taken one every day.
  • Easily dissolvable pills — ProDentim starts dissolving right in the mouth. This contributes to the rapid action of the supplement.

Does ProDentim produce any psychoactive effects?

ProDentim contains no psychoactive agents. There are no artificial stimulants and there is no risk of abuse or addictive tendencies.  

How ProDentim works

ProDentim works in a natural, safe way to promote oral health. When ingested, ProDentim reverses the damage caused by chemical-filled oral care products, using scientifically backed natural ingredients. The repopulation of mouth microbiome promotes oral health.

How to use ProDentim Oral Probiotis

Using ProDentim in the right way ensures optimal working of the product. 

The best time to do it is either in the morning or before you go to sleep, after you brush your teeth. ProDentim is meant to be chewed a tablet daily. 

ProDentim Oral Probiotis Dosage and Results

One ProDentim pill a day is recommended. It you prefer, you can take it with a glass of water.  Optimal results are seen in 2-3 months of using the ProDentim. 

The supplement is entirely natural and works on every factor which is needed for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Although you can also take the supplement for longer if needed, do not exceed the recommended dosage in any case, as the manufacturer advises.

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Is ProDentim for all? What to bear in mind before Using ProDentim

ProDentim is meant for any one who wants to get an effective and lasting solution to oral health problems. However, the following group of individuals should stay away from these supplements.

  1.  Underaged children — Children above the age of 18 are restricted from using the supplement
  2. Pregnant Women — ProDentim isn’t suitable for pregnant and lactating women.
  3. People with serious medical conditions — ProDentim is not recommended for people who have any serious medical condition

ProDentim Oral Probiotis Health Benefits

The use of ProDentim in the right dosage, for the right duration produces optimal health effects including:

  • Gets rid of gym diseases and tooth decay
  • Produces fresh breath
  • For healthy white teeth
  • Builds the immune system
  • Restores your oral microbiome
  • Repopulates healthy bacteria in your mouth

Supporting Research on Working of ProDentim

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ProDentim Review 2022

Numerous clinical and scientific studies are available about the potential positive effect of the ingredients used in the formulation of ProDentim.

Two articles published by recognized bodies are in support of ProDentim claims.  

  1. Journal of the Arak University of Medicinal Science — In their article,  peppermint was found possess an antibacterial effect on our teeth. It assists in oral health.
  2. National Center for Biotechnology Information, a branch of the National Institute Health  — Published an article that concludes that dicalcium phosphate, one of the primary ingredients of ProDentim, is an oral supporting probiotic that prevents dental issues and enhances your teeth health.

ProDentim Oral Probiotis Positive Review points

  • Improves the health of teeth and gums
  • Kills off bad bacteria in your mouth
  • Backed by scientific research and evidence
  • Long-lasting fresh breath
  • Manufactured in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility
  • Non-GMO and 100% natural ingredients
  • Repopulates good bacteria in your mouth
  • Enhances the immune health of your ear, nose, and throat
  • Balances the microbiome of your mouth
  • Helps your sinuses stay free and open
  • Supports a healthy mouth environment
  • Supports respiratory tract
  • Enjoy natural anti-inflammatory effects

Negative Review points– ProDentim Oral Probiotis Reviews

  • Time required to show result will vary from person to person
  • ProDentim isn’t suitable for children below the age of 18.
  • As a result of high demand, the supplement is limited in stock.

Where to buy ProDentim

ProDentim can only be purchased from the official website.

ProDentim Pricelist

  • 30-day supply: The 30-day supply package includes one bottle of ProDentim and the cost is $69 per bottle.
  • 90-day supply: The 90-day supply package includes three bottles of ProDentim and the cost is $59 per bottle.
  • 180-day supply: The 180-day supply package includes six bottles of ProDentim and the cost is $49 per bottle.

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Bonuses Along With ProDentim Oral Probiotic

When buying either 3 bottle packages or 6 bottle packages of ProDentim, you will get two bonuses for free. The bonuses are:

  • Bonus #1 — E-book titled ‘Bad Breath Gone. One Day Detox’ that has details of spices and herbs that can detoxify your mouth and help you have a fresh breath.
  • Bonus #2 —  e-book titled ‘Hollywood White Teeth At Home’ that has methods you can do at your own home to improve your teeth color and maintain them in white color.

ProDentim Refund Policy

The manufacturer of ProDentim offers a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee for the supplement. 


Can children who are below age 15 use ProDentim?

 ProDentim is only suitable for people who are above 18 age according to the manufacturer.

Children under this age should not consume the supplement.

Who should avoid ProDentim?

People below age 18, pregnant women, and lactating women should stay away from ProDentim. Also, people who have any underlying medical condition should consult a doctor before using a supplement.

Average duration for ProDentim consumers to show visible results ?

Averagely, it takes 2-3 months for the supplement to give you an optimum result. Factors like your age, the severity of the condition, the problems that you have, and more also contribute to when results appear.

How is ProDentim better than toothpaste or mouthwash?

Toothpaste and mouthwash contain large content of the toxic substances in it that can damage your teeth and mouth health whereas ProDentim contains natural substances that can enhance your teeth and gum health

Are ProDentim ingredients artificial? 

No.  ProDentim is a natural supplement that is a unique proprietary blend of 3.5 million strains of probiotics and nutrients, a few plant-based ingredients, and vitamins that are scientifically proven to be supporting teeth and gum health.

Bottom line – ProDentim Reviews 

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ProDentim Review 2022

ProDentim is a supplement that supports oral health by repopulating the oral microbiome, the beneficial bacteria in the mouth. The product, made from natural ingredients, works to combat tooth ache, tooth decay, and gum bleeding, and improves the immune system generally.

Overall, various customer reviews are in support of the claims about the working of this supplement. It is rated 4.9 out of 5 starts!

Buy ProDentim at 50% off today!


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