
Secondsun light Review 2021: scam or legit LED light panel?: A must read Buyers:

secondsun light Review 2021:

A light box is a clear surface illuminated from behind, used for situations where a shape laid upon the surface needs to be seen with high contrast. Have you ever thought of alternatives to light bulbs, which could light up your room so well and could help you conserve energy? If not, would you believe if you are told that there exists a product which can light up a room, office or even a warehouse, as brightly as the sun.

So many schools, businesses and homes have used full spectrum light to help with many problems associated with the lack of sunlight. Full spectrum light also significantly reduces any chance of side effects that can be associated with the use of dangerous UV light that is used in most of the cheaper, low quality lights that are sold in many light therapy devices. Lots of companies that make light boxes know very little about lighting and make claims that are possibly dangerous.

Many other companies sell cheaper lights that do not really produce natural spectrum light and are ineffective. It is no secret that good lighting can increase happiness  and satisfaction in people. It has been confirmed by a study that proper lighting makes people more productive in the workplace. Good light up gives a sense of comfort and well-being. It enhances the overall mood and desirability of a place. That is why we must have good lighting, especially at our home, where we spend most of our time.

However, most households lack good lighting. I often see places where sunlight only gets through the windows for like an hour, leaving home with improper lighting throughout the day. Bad lighting can seriously affect people’s lives negatively. They usually will not know why they suddenly have mood swings and low energy. Light bulbs alone cannot fix the problem of lighting. While they provide a good lighting source for night time, they cannot replace sunlight and its health benefits.

This article is to introduce a new light panel product known as : The Second Sun full spectrum lights . These are made by a professional company that is very experienced in creating high quality lighting. Get the best and get total peace of mind also Second Sun does not produce “ultraviolet rays” in any wavelength. Lots of companies that make light boxes actually know very little about lighting and make claims that are possibly dangerous.

( latest trending LED panel light official website)

What is the second sun light? ( secondsun light review)

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Secondsun light review 2021

SecondSun Light is a unique quality, natural spectrum light panel that is good for your health and environment when used as a source of indoor light. This producer stated to provide an ecstatic lighting experience when used. It is very user friendly and possesses no inconvenience in handling. It is a product that seems innovative and suits your lighting needs. This led light is portable and ultra-bright COB LED light that you can simply hold away and light up any space. Just screw into your light fixture and turn a dark, neglected room into a bright working space.

 Second Sun is also  a light box that can be used indoors . It provides enough light that it imitates the natural sunlight. The Second Sun provides the same benefits that your body gets from the sun. You can use it anywhere  at your house or in the workplace. You can use it for 30 to 60 minutes. Second Sun Light box is a high quality, natural light spectrum panel ideal for your health and happiness when used as an indoor light source.

About second sun light: ( secondsun light review )

SecondSun light is produced with high quality technology. It does not emit ultraviolet rays at any wavelength. Second Sun LED lights is a lighting device that lights up and shines brightly, anywhere it is used. It is a device that helps to improve the quality of lighting and can transform a relatively dark room into a bright and crystal shining room. It is regarded as a light box. It produces enough light that it mimics natural sunlight and provides the same benefits from the sun your body needs. It can be utilize at home or the office and lasts for over an hour.

The second sun gives the same benefits that your body gets from the sun outdoors. It is very perfect for SAD and Vitamin D3 deficiency. LED’s use a design and far less energy, so they will not overheat or become a fire hazard. The SecondSun provides the same benefits that your body gets from the sun. It is not harmful to your eyes or skin and its intensity levels can be adjusted.

Second Sun full spectrum lights are made by a professional company that is very experienced in creating high quality lighting. Get the best and get total peace of mind also. The Second Sun does not produce ultraviolet rays of any wavelength. Second Sun Light Panel is a high quality natural spectrum light panel that is good for your health and happiness when used as a source for indoor light.

Why i need secondsun light led light panel?

Based on many studies, the average office worker spends almost 1, 700 hours per year in front of a computer screen 6.5 hours per day. Not only is this damaging to the eyes (researchers found that fluorescent lighting may increase the incidents of eye disease by up to 12 percent) but being indoors beneath fluorescent lights for hours each day has other health risks as well.

Researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center found blue light with a short wavelength that comes from both the sun and for example, the lit up screens of devices like smartphones: helps circulate a type of immune cells in our skin. When these cells, called T cells, flow around the body more effectively, they are able to reach new infections more quickly and stop them before they actually cause harm.

The above researches show and reiterate the need for being out in the sun or as an alternative device like the Second Sun which can act in its stead. It improves mood, the light triggers our pineal gland to produce hormones that boost your mood and energy level. Stress reduction keeps you calm and happy and can help reverse depression.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatment ( secondsun light review)

Light therapy boxes can offer an effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder (SAD): Features such as light intensity, safety, cost and style are important considerations. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that typically occurs each year during fall and winter. Use of a light therapy box can offer relief. But for some people, light therapy may be more effective when combined with another SAD treatment, such as an antidepressant or psychological counseling (psychotherapy).

Light therapy boxes for SAD treatment are also known as light boxes, bright light therapy boxes, light panes and phototherapy boxes. All light therapy boxes for SAD treatment are designed to do the same thing, but one may work better for you than another. A light therapy box mimics outdoor light. Researchers believe this type of light causes a chemical change in the brain that lifts your mood and eases other symptoms of SAD.

Basically, the light box should provide an exposure of 10 000 lux of light, emit as little UV light as possible. Typical recommendations include using the light box within the first hour of waking up in the morning. For about 20 to 30 minutes, at a distance of about 16 to 24 inches (41 to 61 centimeters) from the face, with eyes open, but not looking directly at the light.

Light boxes are designed to be safe and effective but they are not approved or regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for SAD treatment.

SAD is a condition related to seasonal changes. This can occur at any time of the year, but in more cases than not, it happens during fall or winter when there is a lack of sun. There are some factors that contribute to this disorder:

Melatonin levels can be disrupted and throw off your body’s balance, causing insomnia, agitation and changes in mood and appetite.

Serotonin levels can drop because reduced sunlight may cause a chemical change within your brain and stop producing serotonin. This could lead to anxiety, lack of sleep and mood changes.

Biological clocks (circadian rhythm) in some people can be thrown off with reduced sunlight in fall and winter. Your body’s internal clock will feel disrupted and could lead to anxiety or depression.

You can also check out the sleep connection wristband here, a snoring device

Different Factors to consider before buying a light box for Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Is it made specifically to treat SAD? If not, it may not help your depression. Some light therapy lamps are designed for skin disorders, not for SAD. Lamps used for skin disorders primarily emit UV rays and could damage your eyes if used incorrectly. Light boxes used to treat SAD should filter out most or all of the UV light.

How bright is it? Light boxes produce different intensities of light. Brighter boxes will require less time to use each day, compared with dimmer boxes, to achieve the same effect. Typically the recommended intensity of light is 10 000 lux.

How much UV light does it release? Light boxes for SAD should be designed to filter out most or all UV light. Contact the manufacturer for safety information if you have questions.

Can it cause eye damage? Some light boxes include features designed to protect the eyes. Make sure the light box filters out most or all UV light to avoid damaging your eyes. Ask your eye doctor for advice on choosing a light box if you have eye problems such as glaucoma, cataracts or eye damage from diabetes.

Is it the style you need? Light boxes come in different shapes and sizes, with varied features. Some look like upright lamps, while others are small and rectangular. The effectiveness of a light box depends on daily use, so buy one that is convenient for you.

Can you put it in the right location? Think about where you will want to place your light box and what you might do during its use, such as reading. Check the manufacturer’s instructions, so you receive the right amount of light at the proper distance

The Second Sun light box helps balance out these factors to help reduce the symptoms of SAD in the comfort of your own home. I still use my light box every day during the fall and winter seasons and it has helped me counteract the effects of SAD drastically.

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What are the Technical Specifications of Second Sun Light Panel:

  • Dimensions (mm): 144 XX 144 X 10
  • Weight (g): 20
  • Certifications: CE, FCC (News – Alert), RoHs.
  • Natural Light: 10, 000 lux
  • Cold Light: 6 000 lux
  • Power: 5V, 1A
  • Adjustable brightness (15%, 30%, 60%, 100%)
  • LED Lights.
  • 10, 000 Lux brightness. Very bright.
  • Adjustable timer: Up to 60 minutes.
  • Low power
  • Portable and compact. You can take it anywhere.
  • High quality and long lasting.
  • Modern and sleek design.
  • Super affordable.

Main Features of SecondSun LED lights

  • It shines very brightly: This led panel light is capable of making a warehouse of large size to light  up correctly. It covers a wide range and is so efficient in illumination.
  • It is very light: This portable ultra-bright LED packs in 6 000 LUMENS of lighting power into its 4 COB panels. It has a 360 fan structure that lets you blast pure light into every corner of your space.
  • Durable and long lasting:  this panel LEDs are designed to last a lot longer than traditional household light bulbs. Incandescent bulbs last up to 1, 000 hours and CFL (Compact Fluorescent lamps) last around 8, 000. Whereas SecondSun light lasts 50, 000 Hours. That is 11.4 years if it ran 12 hours a day.
  • It is very affordable. This device is very affordable and can be bought by anyone. It does not consume electricity, at least you can have friendly bills.
  • Compact and Adjustable design. Second Sun has a sleek contemporary fan design combined with a strong, solid structure. It can easily be adjusted to your exact lighting needs and just like a standard bulb, you just screw in and you are ready to go.
  • It is made with quality materials that ensure quality results. Second Sun uses premium components in their manufacturing for superior craftsmanship and durability.
  • No Hassle Returns. If you are not satisfied with your Second Sun, you can return it within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.
  • Nothing is too dark for the light: Second Sun transforms your dark, gloomy, spare rooms, garages or garden sheds into a light filled oasis. The bright warm light is similar to daylight and can help boost your productivity and energy levels, especially if you are using it in a space with low light. That can easily zap your energy. With Second Sun, the days of feeling slow and sluggish will be a distant memory.
  • Quick and Convenient: You can get Second Sun delivered straight to your home. It is simple to use and requires virtually no set up.

In which way does the secondsun light work ?( secondsun light review 2021)

The Second Sun works by producing full spectrum light in a safe way that delivers the same benefits as standing in the sun. If you can set up the light box near you for at least 30 minutes a day during the times SAD hits you the most, you can perfectly improve the symptoms.

This will improve your mood, it triggers the pineal gland to produce hormones that boost your mood and energy level, stress reduction keeps you calm and happy and can help you reverse depression. Second Sun can be used by all ages, men and women. Use Second Sun at the comfort of your homes and beat the lack of natural light which is bad for your health and mood.

How to Use the SecondSun Light LED light panel? ( secondsun light review)

Using this product is very easy. To set it up, follow the following guidelines :

1: Remove your old ineffective lightbulb.

 2: Insert your Second Sun into your light socket and turn it until it is tight.

3: Fold the light panels in whatever direction works best for you.

<Click here to get your own Secondsun LED Light directly from the official website now>

Report from customer after using SecondSun LED light panel ( second sunlight review)

We had one of secondsun light customer that  use the light  and see how it works. Here is his report:

“Two months ago, during the start of winter, I started working from home. I noticed my mood shifting constantly and feeling fatigued while working. It got to the point that I started underperforming at work. A coworker of mine pointed out that I had Seasonal Affective Disorder symptoms and should get more sunlight. But it was hard to get sunlight in the cold and gloomy winter season.

Since the weather was not great, and I could not get exposed to sunlight, I had to find a way to improve my mood and health. My coworker told me about light therapy and how it helped her deal with her mood problems and lack of energy. She recommended a light box called Second Sun, which stimulates natural sunlight and does not use dangerous UV light.

That is when I decided to try Second Sun and see if it would work for me. I set it up on my desk and turned it on whenever I started work. I was surprised to see quick improvements in my mood. It felt like working outside on the balcony instead of inside. The light was not intrusive like other lights and instead, it was warm and mellow. It felt like I had a small sized sun at my desk.

After a few days of using Second Sun, I noticed my mood was better and I felt way more energetic than before. My results in work showed it too.  I was performing very well, and I felt happier overall. I did not know how much exposure to sunlight meant for health, but Second Sun showed me its importance.

Ever since I started using Second Sun, I have been able to feel more relaxed. It even helped me fix my sleep schedule. Second Sun has positively impacted my daily life to a great extent. I do not feel as tired as I used, all thanks to this magical light box.”

Advantages of SecondSun LED Light ( secondsun light LED panel  reviews)

  1. Balances out the symptoms of SAD
  2. Boosts your energy
  3. Helps with anxiety and depression
  4. High quality and long lasting.
  5. Safe to use around kids and pets.
  6. Modern and Sleek Design
  7. Low power usage.
  8. Can be used in the comfort and privacy of your own home
  9. Super affordable.
  10. Environmentally friendly and Pocket Friendly: Second Sun is fantastic for the environment and your wallet. COB LEDs last incredibly long so you will not be changing bulbs every time and this massively reduces the environmental waste discarded light bulbs. A regular lightbulb will use more than 6 times more energy from a COB LED light. With Second Sun, you save money and the planet.
  11. Energy Efficient and Cost effective.
  12. Install with ease. It is also versatile and stylish. The sleek, fan design of Second Sun makes it a versatile addition to your workspace, as it can be folded and be adjusted to suit your exact lighting needs.
  13. Strong and Sturdy. Its solid structure means no more broken bulbs.

Secondsun light disadvantages 

  • It can only be purchased online.
  • No specifications as to whether it possesses a replaceable battery
  • Stock is very limited.

What is the price of Secondsun LED Light ( secondsun light review 2021)

The Second Sun LED Light is very affordable and that is why it has gained wide popularity in the United States , Australia, Canada and all over the world. The Price list is as follows:

  • One SecondSun Light is sold at 59.99$
  • Two Second Sun Light can be gotten at 119.99$
  • Three Secondsun Lights can be gotten at 134.99$

NOTE, it is good tto understand that these are discounted prices and might go up any moment from now. It will be good to get yours now that the discount is still available.

Where can I buy SecondSun Light from?

If you want to buy this LED light, it is advised to choose the manufacturer directly. They have a website where they offer the products. But that is not all: if you want to purchase more than one, you can do so with special offers that the manufacturers make available from time to time. This means that you can buy several light panels at the same time and pay less for one panel itself. The order is uncomplicated and completed within a few minutes. Here is the official website 

Click here on the secondsun light LED panel light official website to purchase at 50% discount 

What are the means of payment if I want to buy secondsun light ( secondsun LED panel light review)

there are numerous payment options offered by the manufacturers. Here the buyer does not take any risk because he/she can use secure methods such as PayPal (News – Alert) or Credit Cards. These possibilities also hold out the prospect that if you send the product back if you do not like it, you will get your money back without any problems. A further advantage is the fast dispatch, which takes place up to the front door. A few days after the order, the product arrives and can be used immediately.

Money back guarantee and Refund Policy: 

The manufacturer offers buyers a 30 Day 100% money back guarantee. The items must be returned unused and in their original packaging. You ship the package to the return facility address given to you by its customer care representative. As soon as it gets shipped, you must contact customer care again and provide them with the tracking number. You will get an email confirming the refund when the company receives and approves the return.

<Click here to buy your own Secondsun Light directly from the official website>

Secondsun LED Light Customer experience review ( secondsun light review United state, Australia, America etc)

Elina Bright: I absolutely love how bright this product is. It is way more lightweight than I expected, that makes it so easy to carry it around. It is small but powerful. SecondSun has become a great part of my daily life.

Ruben Marsh: This lamp is so easy to use. I use it every day in the winter to give me some happiness on the cloudy and gray days. I have had it for a few weeks and so far I had zero issues.

Loraine Adkins: I am not a big fan of going out, do not get me wrong, I have friends but I just enjoy staying in my house. Unfortunately, I got diagnosed with the lack of Vitamin D. So I needed to do something about it. Since the weather has been gloomy lately and according to the weather news it will still be like that throughout the winter. An alternative way of getting vitamin D was required. I found out about Second Sun and after reading a lot of positive reviews and different stories, I definitely had to order it. When it arrived, I immediately set it up and I could tell the effect it had on me after 20 minute.  Now I feel so much better and get through my day without terrible symptoms.

Marion Reid: Second Sun made a world of difference for me. Might have just been psychosomatic, but I felt better even just a few minutes after using it. Consistent use every day made the depression go away entirely within about 10 days or less.

Patricia Beverage: I am very happy with my purchase. This was the first time I ordered through this site and I was surprised that the shipping was so fast. I just got this product and I will use it every day to see if it helps

Stacie Cue: This product helped me dealing with SAD every winter. It made a big difference in my mood, concentration, brain fog and overall happiness. If you suffer SAD like me, get Second Sun now.

Sylvia Hahn: During the winter I always have a hard time and do not have the willpower to do anything. But, ever since I started using Second Sun each morning, it helped so much. This product changed my life.

Dave B: What a difference a light makes. I love the design and it makes my backyard shed seem like a completely different place. Looks like a real office now. Fantastic product.

Mia H: Absolutely awesome product. I was looking for a light for a spare room that I wanted to turn into a home gym. Could not believe how good it was. It just instantly filled up the room with warm bright light. It is amazing I feel more energized and productive. It is great.

Ben K: WOW. I was a bit skeptical about how bright it was going to be, but I was dead wrong. It is really bright. There are parts of my garage I have never seen before. It is super easy to use, just screws in like any other light bulb.

Commonly asked Questions (Secondsun Light review)

Do you have any replacement parts or service?

Yes, if you have any concerns, our customer service team is always happy to help.

Does the SecondSun light emit UV rays?

The light emitted from the Second Sun is full spectrum white light or healthy light without UV rays.

Does the secondsun light come with guidelines?

Yes, the guidelines manual will be included in the package.

For how long do I use my Second Sun in a day?

Light therapy typically has the best results if used anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours a day. It is best used in the morning and we recommend starting at 10 minutes per day, increasing the time until you feel your best.

What color of light does the Second Sun light project?

Second Sun projects full visible spectrum white light that boasts the same healing properties as natural sunlight.

Can light therapy help with my sleep?

Light therapy can help your circadian rhythm and help you sleep better naturally.

Do you ship secondsun light outside the United States?

We ship internationally.

Finally: (Secondsun Light Review)

secondsun light LED light panel review 2021

SecondSun is a compact and portable ultra-bright 4-panel COB-LED light that fills up every corner of your space with pure white light instantly! The bright warm light is similar to daylight and can help boost your productivity and energy levels, especially if you’re using it in a space with low light that can easily zap your energy

The longer you wait to buy the Second Sun, the longer you suffer from SAD. This is a simple and natural solution to a disorder that affects many people. This device works better than other light therapy boxes and it is completely safe. Using Second Sun for only 30 minutes has completely changed the mood and body of so many customers. They are sleeping better, feel more energetic and are overall healthier because of it. Thank You.

<Click here to buy your own Secondsun LED Light now>

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